

1. N HuangCF Ma(马昌凤). Modified conjugate gradient method for obtaining the minimum-norm solution of the generalized coupled Sylvester-conjugate matrix equations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(2):1260-1275. ( SCI-I)

2. J Shen(沈建和).Canard limit cycles and global dynamics in a singularly perturbed predator–prey system with non-monotonic functional response. Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications, 2016, 31:146-165. ( SCI-I)

3. A CastiglioneAD SantisB MasucciF PalmieriX Huang(黄欣沂). Cryptographic Hierarchical Access Control for Dynamic Structures. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ,2016,11(10): 2349-2364. ( SCI-II )

4. K LiangX Huang(黄欣沂),F GuoJ Liu. Privacy-Preserving and Regular Language Search over Encrypted Cloud Data. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(10): 2365-2376, 2016. ( SCI-II )

5. YJ XieCF Ma(马昌凤). A modified positive-definite and skew-Hermitian splitting preconditioner for generalized saddle point problems from the Navier-Stokes equation. Numerical Algorithms, 2015, 72(1):1-16. ( SCI-II )

6. D HeS ZeadallyB XuX Huang(黄欣沂). An Efficient Identity-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2015, 10(12): 2681-2691. ( SCI-II )

7. A CastiglioneAD SantisB MasucciF PalmieriX Huang(黄欣沂). Hierarchical and Shared Access Control. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(4): 850-865, 2016. ( SCI-II )

8. D HeS ZeadallyN KumarW Wu(伍玮). Efficient and Anonymous Mobile User Authentication Protocol Using Self-Certified Public Key Cryptography for Multi-Server Architectures. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(9): 2052-2064, 2016. ( SCI-II )

9. KC YuenM Chen(陈密),KP Wat. On the expected penalty functions in a discrete semi-Markov risk model with randomized dividends. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics, 2016, 311:239-251. ( SCI-II )

10. LG HuJ Zeng. Liouville type theorems for stable solutions of the weighted elliptic system. Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Applications, 2015, 437(2):882-901. ( SCI-II )

11. YF KeCF Ma(马昌凤). Spectrum analysis of a more general augmentation block preconditioner for generalized saddle point matrices. Bit Numerical Mathematics, 2015, 56(2):1-12. ( SCI-II )

12. QQ ZhengCF Ma(马昌凤). Preconditioned AHSS-PU alternating splitting iterative methods for saddle point problems . Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2016, 273:217-225. ( SCI-II )

13. QQ ZhengCF Ma(马昌凤). A class of triangular splitting methods for saddle point problems. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics, 2015, 298:13-23. ( SCI-II )

14. YF KeCF Ma(马昌凤). A note on “A dimensional split preconditioner for Stokes and linearized Navier–Stokes equations”.AppliedNumericalMathematics, 2016,108: 223–225. ( SCI-II )

15. X YangX Huang(黄欣沂),JK Liu. Efficient handover authentication with user anonymity and untraceability for Mobile Cloud Computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2015, 62(C):190-195. ( SCI-II )

16. N HuangC Ma(马昌凤). The modulus-based matrix splitting algorithms for a class of weakly nonlinear complementarity problems. Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications, 2016; 23:558–569. ( SCI-II )

17. C Ma(马昌凤),N Huang. Modified modulus-based matrix splitting algorithms for a class of weakly nondifferentiable nonlinear complementarity problems. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2016, 108:116-124. ( SCI-II )

18. QQ ZhengCF Ma(马昌凤). Accelerated PMHSS iteration methods for complex symmetric linear systems. Numerical Algorithms, 2016, 73(2):1-16. ( SCI-II )

19. L Chen(陈黎飞),S WangK WangJ Zhu. Soft subspace clustering of categorical data with probabilistic distance. Pattern Recognition, 2016, 51(C):322-332. ( SCI-II )

20. YJ XieCF Ma(马昌凤). The accelerated gradient based iterative algorithm for solving a class of generalized Sylvester-transpose matrix equation. Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2016, 273(C):1257-1269. ( SCI-II )

21. Y FanY YeL Chen(陈黎飞). Malicious sequential pattern mining for automatic malware detection. Expert Systems With Applications, 2016, 52(C):16-25. ( SCI-II )

22. P Shi(时鹏),J ZhongJ HongR HuangK Wang. Automated Ki-67 Quantification of Immunohistochemical Staining Image of Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Xenografts. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:32127. ( SCI-II )

23. Xin ChenJian Wang(王健). Intrinsic ultracontractivity of Feynman–Kac semigroups for symmetric jump processes. Journal of Functional Analysis, 2016, 270:4152–4195. ( SCI-II )

24. J Wang(王健). L^{p}$-Wasserstein distance for stochastic differential equations driven by Lévy processes. Bernoulli, 2016, 22(3):1598-1616. ( SCI-II )

25. QR Deng(邓起荣). On the spectra of Sierpinski-type self-affine measures. Journal of Functional Analysis, 2016, 270(12):4426-4442. ( SCI-II )

26. QR Deng(邓起荣),XY Wang. Denker-Sato type Markov chains and Harnack inequality. Nonlinearity, 2015, 28(11):3973-3998. ( SCI-II )

27. L LinL Xu(许力),S Zhou(周书明),Y Xiang.Trustworthiness-Hypercube-based Reliable Communication in Mobile Social Networks. Information Sciences, 2016, 369:34-50. ( SCI-II )

28. S Lin(林崧),GD GuoF HuangXF Liu. Quantum anonymous ranking based on the Chinese remainder theorem. Physical Review A, 2016, 93(1). ( SCI-II )

29. S Lin(林崧),GD GuoYZ XuY SunXF Liu. Cryptanalysis of quantum secret sharing with d -level single particles. Phys.rev.a, 2016, 93(6). ( SCI-II )

30. L LinL Xu(许力),S Zhou(周书明),S Hsieh. The Extra, Restricted Connectivity and Conditional Diagnosability of Split-Star Networks. IEEE Transactions on Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems,2016, 27(2):533-545. ( SCI-II )

31. Y ChenJ Chen(陈建清). Multiple positive solutions for a semilinear equation with critical exponent and prescribed singularity. Nonlinear Analysis Theory Methods & Applications, 2016, 130:121-137. ( SCI-II )

32. H Lin(林晖)L XuX HuangW WuY Huang. A trustworthy access control model for mobile cloud computing based on reputation and mechanism design. Ad Hoc Networks, 2015, 35(C):51-64. ( SCI-III )

33. ML ZengCF Ma(马昌凤). A parameterized SHSS iteration method for a class of complex symmetric system of linear equations . Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2016, 71(10):2124-2131. ( SCI-III )

34. D LuoJ Wang(王健). Exponential convergence in LpWasserstein distance for diffusion processes without uniformly dissipative drift. Mathematische Nachrichten, 2014, 289(14-15):1909-1926. ( SCI-III )

35. Y XieC Ma(马昌凤). A generalized Newton method of high-order convergence for solving the large-scale linear complementarity problem. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2015, 2015(1):1-12. ( SCI-III )

36. C Chen(陈超). Subsonic nonisentropic ideal gas with large vorticity in nozzles. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2016, 39(10):2529-2548. ( SCI-III )

37. N HuangC Ma(马昌凤),J Tang. The inversion-free iterative methods for a system of nonlinear matrix equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2015, 2013:1-14. ( SCI-III )

38. H Lai(赖惠林),A XuG ZhangY GanY Ying... Nonequilibrium thermohydrodynamic effects on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in compressible flows. Phys.rev.e, 2015, 94(2-1). ( SCI-III )

39. CR ChenCF Ma(马昌凤). AOR–Uzawa iterative method for a class of complex symmetric linear system of equations.Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2016, 72(9):2462-2472. ( SCI-III )

40. L LinL Xu(许力),S Zhou(周书明),SY Hsieh. The t/k-Diagnosability for Regular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2015, 65(10):1-1. ( SCI-III )

41. C Chen(陈超),L DuC XieZ Xin. Two Dimensional Subsonic Euler Flows Past a Wall or a Symmetric Body. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2016, 221(2):559-602. ( SCI-III )

42. X ChenFY WangJ Wang(王健). Perturbations of Functional Inequalities for Lévy Type Dirichlet Forms. Forum Mathematicum, 2015, 27(6):3477-3507. ( SCI-III )

43. C Chen(陈超),E CreuséS NicaiseZ Tang. Residual-based a posteriori estimators for the potential formulations of electrostatic and time-harmonic eddy current problems with voltage or current excitation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2016, 107(5):377-394. ( SCI-III )

44. FY WangJ Wang(王健). Functional Inequalities for Convolution Probability Measures. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques2016, 522): 898–914. ( SCI-III )

45. Y ZengL Xu(许力),Z Chen. Fault-Tolerant Algorithms for Connectivity Restoration in Wireless Sensor Networks.Sensors, 2015, 16(1):3. ( SCI-III )

46. L Xu(许力),L LinS ZhouSY Hsieh. The Extra Connectivity, Extra Conditional Diagnosability, and -Diagnosability of Arrangement Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2016:1-15. ( SCI-III )

47. C LinW Wu(伍玮),X Huang(黄欣沂),L Xu. A new universal designated verifier transitive signature scheme for big graph data. Journal of Computer & System Sciences, 2017, 83(1):73-83. ( SCI-III )

48. S Zhang(张世芳),L ZhangH Zhong. Perturbation of Browder spectrum of upper triangular operator matrices. Linear & Multilinear Algebra, 2016, 64(3):502-511. ( SCI-III )

49. J Wu(吴建宁),H Xu. An advanced scheme of compressed sensing of acceleration data for telemonintoring of human gait. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2016, 15(1):1-15. ( SCI-III )

50.Z Wang(王智勇), J Yin. Asymptotic behaviour of the lifespan of solutions for a semilinear heat equation in hyperbolic space. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2016,146(5):1091-1114. ( SCI-III )

51. H Lin(林惠玲). A Lipschitzian Error Bound for Convex Quadratic Symmetric Cone Programming. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2016, 144(1):17-34.

52. Y DongH Lin(林和子),G Yang. Liouville Theorems for F -Harmonic Maps and Their Applications. Results in Mathematics, 2016, 69(1):1-23. ( SCI-III )

53. J Chen(陈建清),EM Rocha. SIGN CHANGING SOLUTIONS OF A SEMILINEAR EQUATION ON HEISENBERG GROUP. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 2016,17(8): 1531-1545. ( SCI-III )

54. L Chen(陈黎飞),Y YeG Guo,(郭躬德)J Zhu. Kernel-based linear classification on categorical data. Soft Computing, 2016, 20(8):2981-2993. ( SCI-III )

55. L LinL Xu(许力),S Zhou(周书明). Conditional diagnosability and strong diagnosability of shuffle-cubes under the comparison model. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2015, 92(2):230-249. ( SCI-III )

56. Y ZengZ Chen(陈志德)X Yang. Self-healing and energy-efficient restoration in machine-to-machine networks. Iet Communications, 2016, 10(7):805-811. ( SCI-IIII)

57. YZ XuGD Guo(郭躬德)S Lin. One-Dimensional Three-State Quantum Walk with Single-Point Phase Defects. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(9):1-15. ( SCI-IIII)

58. N HuangC Ma(马昌凤). A New GSOR Method for Generalised Saddle Point Problems. East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2016, 6(1):23-41. ( SCI-IIII)

59. Y ZhangL Xu(许力),X Huang(黄欣沂),J Li. Matrix-based key pre-distribution schemes in WMNs using pre and post deployment knowledge. International Journal of Ad Hoc & Ubiquitous Computing, 2015, 20(4):262-273. ( SCI-IIII)

60. DejunJianWANG(王健). Holder continuity of semigroups for time changed symmetric stable processes. Front. Math. China , 2016(1):109-121. ( SCI-IIII)

61. C Ma(马昌凤)H Lu. Numerical Study on Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2016:1-13. ( SCI-IIII)

62. N HuangC Ma(马昌凤)Y Xie. The Derivative-Free Double Newton Step Methods for Solving System of Nonlinear Equations. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2016, 13(4):2253-2270. ( SCI-IIII)

63. Z Chen(陈正新). Biderivations and linear commuting maps on simple generalized Witt algebras over a field. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra Ela, 2016, 31(1):1-12. ( SCI-IIII)

64. S SongS Zhou(周书明)X Li. Conditional Diagnosability of Burnt Pancake Networks Under the PMC Model. Computer Journal, 2016(1):bxv066. ( SCI-IIII)

65. B Pan(潘飚),W C Lin. Angular value distribution concerning shared values. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2015, 45(6):1919-1935. ( SCI-IIII)

66. S Zhou(周书明),S SongX YangL Chen. On conditional fault tolerance and diagnosability of hierarchical cubic networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 2016, 609(P2):421-433. ( SCI-IIII)

67. JM Jiang(蒋建民),H ZhuQ LiY ZhaoL Zhao... Analyzing Event-Based Scheduling in Concurrent Reactive Systems. Acm Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2015, 14(4):86. ( SCI-IIII)

68. H FangL Xu(许力),L Xiao. Secure routing and resource allocation based on game theory in cooperative cognitive radio networks. Concurrency & Computation Practice & Experience, 2016, 28(10):2958-2977. ( SCI-IIII)

69. L LinL Xu(许力),S Zhou. Relating the extra connectivity and the conditional diagnosability of regular graphs under the comparison model. Theoretical Computer Science, 2016, 618(C):21-29. ( SCI-IIII)

70. X YangX Huang(黄欣沂),J HanC Su. Improved handover authentication and key pre‐distribution for wireless mesh networks. Concurrency & Computation Practice & Experience, 2016, 28(10):2978-2990. ( SCI-IIII)

71. S Lin(林崧),H WangGD GuoGH YeHZ Du... Authenticated multi-user quantum key distribution with single particles. International Journal of Quantum Information, 2016, 14(01):1650002. ( SCI-IIII)

72. H Lin(林和子). On the structure of submanifolds in the hyperbolic space. Monatshefte Für Mathematik, 2015:1-16. ( SCI-IIII)

73. M Chen(陈密),KC Yuen. Optimal dividend and reinsurance in the presence of two reinsurers. Journal of Applied Probability, 2016, 53(2):554-571. ( SCI-IIII)

74. L Hu(胡丽莹),G GuoC Ma. Combined new nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms with two-dimensional nonnegative matrix factorization for image processing. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(18):11127-11155. ( SCI-IIII)



77. X YangW Wu(伍玮)JK LiuX Chen. Lightweight Anonymous Authentication for Ad Hoc Group: A Ring Signature Approach. In ProvSec 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9451: 215-226, 2015. (EI)

78. C SuB SantosoY LiR DengX Huang(黄欣沂). Universally Composable RFID Mutual Authentication. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2015:1-1. (EI)

79. Zhen LiWei Wu(伍玮). Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted Images Based on Statistical Learning. Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 2016: 198-212. (EI)

80. H LinJ HuJ LiuL Xu(许力). A Context Aware Reputation Mechanism for Enhancing Big Data Veracity in Mobile Cloud Computing. IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology;2015:2049-2054. (EI)

81. Y XiaH LinL Xu(许力). An AGV Mechanism Based Secure Routing Protocol for Internet of Things. IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2015:662-666. (EI)

82. H LinJ HuC HuangL Xu(许力). A Secure Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Strategy for Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2015:2198-2205. (EI)

83.A Ye(叶阿勇),J SaoQ Jian. A robust location fingerprint based on differential signal strength and dynamic linear interpolation. Security & Communication Networks, 2016, 9(16):3618-3626. (EI)

84.Q ChenA Ye(叶阿勇),L Xu. A privacy-preserving Proximity Detection Method in social network. International Conference, 2016:68. (EI)

85.A Ye(叶阿勇),Y LiL Xu. A novel location privacy-preserving scheme based on l -queries for continuous LBS. Computer Communications, 2016. (EI)

86.H LuC Ma(马昌凤). A new linearized implicit iteration method for nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2016, 50(1):1-15. (EI)

87. P Shi(时鹏),M WanJ HongJ ChenL Zhang. A Parallel Fish Image Processing Pipeline of High-Throughput Chromosomal Analysis. International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education ,2015:337-342. (EI)

88.F WangL Xu(许力),JS Pan. Security Analysis on "Strongly Secure Certificateless Key-Insulated Signature Secure in the Standard Model". International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2015:195-198. (EI)

89. J ZhangL Xu(许力),H Yang. A Novel Sleep Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing., 2015:364-367. (EI)

90. M LiX HuangJK LiuL Xu(许力),W Wu. Cooperative attribute-based access control for enterprise computing system. International Journal of Embedded Systems, 2015, 7(3):191-202. (EI)

91. Jing Zeng(曾晶),Liping Chen(陈丽萍).Detecting Anomalies in Outgoing Long-wave Radiation Data by A Window Average Martingale Method. Advances in Energy, Environment and Materials Science,2016:809-813.(EI)

92. C Lin(林昌露),F LuoH WangY Zhu. A Provable Data Possession Scheme with Data Hierarchy in Cloud. INFORMATION SECURITY AND CRYPTOLOGY, INSCRYPT 2015.(EI)

93. C LinF ZhuW Wu(伍玮)K LiangKKR Choo. A New Transitive Signature Scheme. International Conference on Network and System Security, 2016: 156-167. (EI)

94. T WangHA ManW Wu(伍玮). An Efficient Secure Channel Free Searchable Encryption Scheme with Multiple Keywords. International Conference on Network and System Security. Springer International Publishing, 2016: 251-265. (EI)

95. Ayong Ye(叶阿勇), Yongxing Zheng.Large Scale Trajectory Data Management. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.2015.(EI)

96. Z YeP Ke(柯品惠),Z Chen. Further results on pseudorandom binary sequences derived from Fermat-Euler Quotients. International Conference on Information, 2015:1-4. (EI)

97. T WuY FanZ HongL Chen(陈黎飞). Subspace Clustering on Mobile Data for Discovering Circle of Friends. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015.(EI)

98. BL LiangC Huang. Core-Selecting Auction Based Spectrum Allocation Scheme in Cognitive Femtocell Networks. IEEE International Conference on Computer & Inf..., 2015. (EI)

99. 吴建宁,徐海东,王珏.基于过完备字典稀疏表示的多通道脑电信号压缩感知联合重构. 电子与信息学报,2016,38(7):1666-1673.(A)

100. 吴建宁,徐海东,王佳境,凌雲. 基于随机投影的快速稀疏表示人体动作识别方法.中国生物医学工程学报,2016,35(1):38-46. (A)

101. 柯品惠,叶智钒,常祖领. 一类推广的二元Legendre-Sidelnikov序列的自相关分布.电子与信息学报, 201638(2):303-309 . (A)

102. 汪晓丁,许力,周书明,林晖. 基于Voronoi图和定位集的故障诊断和修复策略. 通信学报, 2015, 36(s1):103-109. (A)

103. 黄毅杰,林晖,许力,黄川,周赵斌. 认知无线网络中一种基于VCG的分布式安全频谱感知策略. 小型微型计算机系统, 2016(6):1228-1233. (B)

104. 夏有华,林晖,许力,周赵斌. 基于Core-Selecting机制的物联网安全路由协议.计算机系统应用, 2016, 25(4):128-134. (B)

105. 李晴,叶阿勇,许力. 公众环境下无线接入的安全问题研究.信息网络安全,2016(4)67-75. (B)

106. 朱晴晴,杨标桂. 近凯勒流形中一般子流形的淹没. 数学进展,2016(2):271-279. (B)

107. 张豪,陈黎飞,郭躬德. 基于符号熵的序列相似性度量方法. 计算机程,2016(5):201-206. (B)

108. 范宇杰,陈黎飞,郭躬德. 一种匹配全局结构的图相似性度量. 小型微型计算机系统,2016(7):1488-1492. (B)

109. 肖剑川,许力,叶阿勇,林丽美. 基于Voronoi图的路网轨迹隐私保护研究. 信息网络安全, 2016(6):15-21. (B)

110. 方禾,许力,苏彬庭. 认知无线电网络中基于非合作博弈的隐货币交易模型. 小型微型计算机系统, 2016(2):227-230. (B)

111. 陈丽萍,郭躬德. 一种基于顺序特性的子空间聚类方法. 计算机科学,2016(3):72-74. (B)

112. 李承欣,叶锋,涂钦,陈家祯,许力. 面向视频压缩的显著性协同检测JND模型. 计算机系统应用,2016(11):208-215. (B)

113. 吴建宁,徐海东,凌雲,王佳境. 基于块稀疏贝叶斯学习的人体运动模式识别. 计算机应用,2016,36(4):1039-1044. (B)

114. 罗飞来,邹囡,欧忠辉. 丛枝菌根真菌吸收磷酸盐的数值分析. 生物数学学报,2016(1):129-135. (B)

115. 周赵斌,许力. 基于数字签名的防污染网络编码方案. 计算机系统应用, 2016, 25(6):185-190. (B)

116. 周赵斌,许力,李世唐. 基于CRC的防污染网络编码方案. 计算机系统应用, 2016, 25(1):101-106. (B)

117. 蒋欣,王开军,陈黎飞. 基于DTW匹配的粒子滤波故障预报. 计算机系统应用2016, 25(3):124-130. (B)

118. 田健,王开军,郭躬德,陈黎飞. 融合速度特征的压缩感知目标跟踪算法. 南京大学学报,201652(2): 149-158. (B)

119. 林品乐,王开军. 基于模糊隶属度的粒子滤波故障预测. 计算机系统应用2016, 25(6) :119-124. (B)

120. 徐永振,郭躬德,蔡彬彬,林崧. 基于一维三态量子游走的量子聚类算法. 计算机科学,2016(3):80-83. (B)

121. 林少聪,叶阿勇,许力. 基于坐标变换的k匿名位置隐私保护方法. 小型微型计算机系统,2016(1):119-123. (B)

122. 罗杰,林伟川. 涉及分担三值的非整数级亚纯函数的唯一性定理. 数学物理学报,2016362):243-254. (B)

123. 陈建宝,乔宁宁. 地方利益主体博弈下的资源禀赋与公共品供给. 经济学(季刊),2016(2):693-722. (B)

124. 陈建宝,鞠芳煜. 不同收入地区政府支出结构差异分析. 经济科学,2016(3):19-31. (B)

125. 黄波,严宣辉,林建辉. 基于有向图分割的推荐算法. 计算机系统应用,2015(12):196-203. (B)

126. 林建辉,严宣辉,黄波. 基于SVD与模糊聚类的协同过滤推荐算法. 计算机系统应用,2016(11):156-163. (B)

127. 兰天,郭躬德. 基于词共现关系和粗糙集的微博话题检测方法. 计算机系统应用,2016(6):17-24. (B)

128. 黄波,严宣辉,林建辉. 基于联合非负矩阵分解的协同过滤推荐算法. 模式识别与人工智能,2016(8):725-734. (B)

129. 白猛,严宣辉,吴坤安,陈振兴. 混合分解的多目标粒子群优化算法. 计算机系统应用,2015(12):215-222. (B)

130. 韩宸望,林晖,黄川. 基于SQL语法树的SQL注入过滤方法研究. 网络与信息安全学报, 2016, 2(11):70-77. (B)

131. 董涛.为什么这三个命题是公理[J].数学通报,20167:4-6.(B类)