北京师范大学张余辉教授学术报告 03月31日上午


人:北京师范大学  张余辉 教授

报告题目:Unified representation of formulas for single birth processes




报告摘要: Based on a new explicit representation of the solution to the Poisson equation with respect to single birth processes, the unified treatment for various criteria on classical problems (including uniqueness, recurrence, ergodicity, exponential ergodicity, strongly ergodicity, as well as extinction probability etc.) for the processes are presented. This is a joint work with Prof. Mu-Fa Chen.

专家介绍 张余辉教授,1996年在北京师范大学获理学博士学位并留校工作,2004年受聘为教授。主要研究领域是随机过程及交叉领域, 研究涉及跳过程的稳定性理论、耦合理论和特征值估计等, 特别是对单生过程有较完整的研究。更详细的信息可参看个人网页: