武汉大学张希承教授学术报告 10月7日上午



报告题目:【Singular HJB Equations with Applications to KPZ on the Real Line】

时间:2020年10月7日 (星期三) 上午09:00

地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:511 3889 6273)




报告摘要:I will talk about the Hamilton-Jacobi Bellman  equations with distribution valued coefficients, which is not well defined in the classical sense  and shall be understood by using paracontrolled distribution method introduced by Gubinelli-Imkeller-Perkowski.  By a new characterization of weighted H\older space and  Zvonkin's transformation we prove some new a priori estimates, and therefore, establish the global well posedness for singular HJB equations. 

As an application, the global well posedness for KPZ equations on the real line in polynomial weighted H\older spaces is obtained without using Cole Hopf's transformation. (This is a joint work with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu).