浙江大学教授叶和溪学术报告 12月12日上午


学术讲座【A uniform bound for the number of common preperiodic points】

时间:2019年12月12日 (星期四) 10:00 



主办:数学与信息学院, 福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室, 数学研究中心


报告人简介:叶和溪,男,浙江大学数学学院教授,2016年入选浙江大学“百人计划”,201308月毕业于〔美国〕伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,2014-2016年在英属哥伦比亚大学做博士后。主要研究方向为复动力系统和算术动力系统。在 André-Oort conjecture和具有极大熵测度的有理函数等问题上取得重要成果。在Journal of the European Mathematical SocietyAdvances in MathematicsDuke Mathematical Journal等权威杂志上发表多篇文章。

报告摘要:Let f_c(z)=z^2+c be the family of quadratic polynomials parameterized by complex numbers c. It was known that for any two distinct parameters c_1 and c_2 over the complex numbers, there are only finitely many preperiodic points of f_{c_1} and f_{c_2} in common. In this talk, we are going to show that there is a uniform bound for the number of common preperiodic points as c_1 and c_2 vary. Moreover, I will provide some motivations for the result of uniform bound. This is a joint work with Laura DeMarco and Holly Krieger.