新加坡管理大学博士后研究员许胜民学术报告 9月24日下午


报告题目【Generic Construction of ElGamal-Type Attribute-Based Encryption Schemes with Revocability and Dual-Policy】

时间:2019年9月24日 (星期二)下午16:00 



主办:数学与信息学院, 福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室


报告人简介:许胜民于2014年在澳大利亚卧龙岗大学计算与信息技术学院获得本科学位,并于2018年在澳大利亚卧龙岗大学计算与信息技术学院获得密码学博士学位。他目前就职于新加坡管理大学信息系统学院,移动安全中心,任博士后研究员。他已发表了10余篇SCI及EI文献,其中包括IEEE TIFS和IEEE TCC等多篇CCF A类及中科院SCI一区文章。他的研究方向包括密码学,信息安全和区块链。

报告摘要:Cloud is a computing paradigm for allowing data owners to outsource their data to enjoy on-demand services and mitigate the burden of local data storage. However, secure sharing of data via cloud remains an essential issue since the cloud service provider is untrusted. Fortunately, asymmetric-key encryption, such as identity-based encryption (IBE) and attribute-based encryption (ABE), provides a promising tool to offer data confidentiality and has been widely applied in cloud-based applications. In this paper, we summarize the common properties of most of IBE and ABE and introduce a cryptographic primitive called ElGamal type cryptosystem. This primitive can be used to derive a variety of ABE schemes. To illustrate the feasibility, we present generic constructions of revocable attribute-based encryption and dual-policy attribute-based encryption with formal definitions and security proofs. By applying our proposed generic constructions, we also present instantiations of these schemes. Furthermore, we demonstrate the high performance of the proposed schemes via experiments