美国耶鲁大学教授张和平学术报告 9月29日上午


报告题目【It's the Interaction, Stupid】

时间:2019年9月29日 (星期日)上午 10:00





报告人简介:美国耶鲁大学公共卫生学院统计与科学合作中心主任,耶鲁大学生物统计学、儿童研究及统计学冠名终身教授。同时也是香港大学荣誉教授,泛华统计协会主席。曾是期刊Statistics and Its Interface的创始主编,现任美国统计协会杂志 (JASA)的主编,以及其它杂志的编委。2008年,张教授曾入选哈佛大学公共卫生学院年度Myrto Lefkopoulou杰出学者;2011年,作IMS Medallion报告,并于同年获得Royan国际生殖健康研究奖;2013年,获得美国生殖医学会颁发的论文奖;2014年,获得March of Dimes早产最佳研究奖;2017年,获得美国妇产科杂志优秀论文奖。张教授是Springer出版的“递归分区法及其应用Recursive Partitioning and Its Applications)”一书的作者,并在高影响力的统计、遗传、流行病学和精神病学期刊上发表300多篇学术论文,其中包括Annals of Statistics,Annals of Applied Statistics,Biometrika,JASA,JRSSB,American Journal of Human Genetics,American Journal of Psychiatry,PNAS,Science,JAMA,Lancet,Nature以及 the New England Journal of Medicine。张教授的研究领域主要包括非参数方法、纵向数据、统计遗传学和生物信息学、临床试验、流行病学,数据统计建模、脑成像分析、统计算和行为科学的统计方法,并对传染病、基因学、儿童与妇女健康、心理健康等方面均有涉及。

报告摘要:The vast majority of statistical methods, theory, and applications are for or based on additive models, and often linear models. Those models have led to reasonable and easily interpretable models. However, in practice, more likely than not, the underlying data structures are not additive, and the only difference is to what degree the additive models provide a sufficiently good fit to the data. For example, in the analysis of data from genomewide association studies, the failure to identify genes with major effects on complex diseases is very likely due to our inability to consider and identify gene-gene and/or gene-environment interactions. In this talk, I will present two approaches to detecting interactions and demonstrate their potential with numerical examples.