沙特阿拉伯Majmaah大学Hassan Aly教授学术报告 6月27日下午


学术报告【Hall’s sextic residue sequence: correlation measure of order k and related measures of pseudorandomness】

时间:2019年6月27日 (星期四) 下午14:30


主讲:沙特阿拉伯Majmaah大学教授,Hassan Aly   



报告摘要:Correlation measure is an important measure of pseudorandomness. In this talk, I will introduce the correlation measure of order k of Hall’s sextic residue sequence and some related measures of pseudorandomnuss.

报告人简介:Hassan Abdel-Tawab Mohamed Aly (Hassan Aly) received his B.Sc. degree in Mathematics and Computer Science and Ms. C degree in Computer Science from Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt in 1987 and1992, respectively. And then he obtained his Dr. Rer. Nat. in Computer Science from Klagenfurt University, Austria in 2001. He is now an associative professor in computer science and information department, college of science at AzZulfi, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. His research includes cryptography, binary sequences and nonlinear functions etc. And He had published papers in Journals including IEEE IT and Design Codes and Cryptography, Finite fields and its applications etc.