美国密苏里州大学堪萨斯城分校教授Lein Harn学术报告 5月28日下午


报告题目【Some Topics on Polynomial-based Cryptography】

时间:2019年5月28日 (星期二)下午 14:00


主讲:美国密苏里州大学堪萨斯城分校教授,Lein Harn



报告摘要:In this talk, I will cover following topics. 

(1)What is polynomial-based cryptography? 

(2)Why do we study polynomial-based cryptography? 

(3)Why polynomial evaluation is much faster than public-key evaluations? 

(4)What polynomial-based cryptography can provide? 

(5)What is the limitation of polynomial-based cryptography?   

(6)Some future research.

报告人简介:Lein Harn received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the National Taiwan University in 1977, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the State University of New York-Stony Brook in 1980, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1984. In 1984, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri- Columbia as an Assistant Professor, and in 1995, he has been promoted as a Full Professor, University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC). While at UMKC, he went on development leave to work in Racal Data Group, Florida for a year. His research interests include cryptography, network security, and wireless communication security. He has published over hundred research journal papers on digital signature design and applications, and wireless and network security.  He has written two books on security. He is currently investigating new ways of using secret sharing in various applications.