香港大学Man Ho Allen Au副教授学术报告 8月14日上午


报告题目Efficient Two-Party ECDSA Signatures

时        间:2021年8月14日上午10:00

地        点:腾讯会议室(ID:274 642 641)

主        讲:香港大学Man Ho Allen Au

主        办:计算机与网络空间安全学院




Threshold digital signatures allow distributed signing among multiple parties such that a given message is signed if and only if the number of participants agreeing to sign the message exceed a system defined threshold. It has attracted a lot of attention lately, from both the academic community and the industry, possibility due to its application in strengthening the security of blockchain and digital currencies.

In this talk, we present our recent results on threshold  ECDSA, the most commonly used digital signature scheme. In particular, we consider the special case of 2-party key generation and signing. We improve the efficiency of two-party ECDSA by a new way to share the signing key. Our scheme has significant improvement over previous protocols based on either oblivious transfer or homomorphic encryption.


Dr Man Ho Allen Au is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Before joining HKU, he was an associate professor in the Department of Computing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr Au’s research interests include information security, cryptography, blockchain technology, and their applications. He has published over 180 refereed papers in top journals and conferences, including CRYPTO, ASIACRYPT, IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, NDSS, SIGMOD, SOSP, IEEE TIFS, TC, TKDE, etc. He is a recipient of the 2009 PET runner-up award for outstanding research in privacy-enhancing technologies.

Dr Au’s research has generated significant social and economic impact. His digital signature technology has been used in the Hyperledger Fabric project, the most popular blockchain infrastructure supported by big industry players like IBM, Intel, and SAP. He is a general co-chair of ACM ASIACCS 2021 and an expert member of the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 working group 2 - Cryptography and security mechanisms.