

名:李璇  副教授、博士






2017-2018 香港大学计算机科学系 访问学者

2007-2012 华南理工大学计算机科学与技术专业 博士(硕博连读)

2003-2007 华南理工大学数学与应用数学专业 本科







[5] 5G跨云模式的数据隐私保护与抗MITM攻击方法研究,国家自然科学基金,2019-2021.




[1] 福建省第三届青年教师教学技能竞赛 二等奖

[2] 福建师范大学第七届青年教师教学技能大赛 一等奖



soft computing, information science等期刊审稿人



  1. Xuan Li, Jin Li, Siuming Yiu, Jinbo Xiong. Privacy-preserving edge-assisted image retrieval and classification in IoT. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2018. Accepted. (SCI)

  2. Yan Hongyang, Li Xuan*, Wang Yu, Chunfu Jia. Centralized Duplicate Removal Video Storage System with Privacy Preservation in IoT[J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(6): 1814. (SCI)

  3. Xuan Li, Jin Li, Faliang Huang, A secure cloud storage system supporting privacy-preserving fuzzy deduplication, Soft Computing, 2016,20(4):1-12.(SCI)

  4. Xuan Li, Guoji Zhang, Xiayan Zhang, Image encryption algorithm with compound chaotic maps, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2015,6(5):563-570.(SCI)

  5. Xuan Li, Yongluo Shen, Jun Zhang, The verifiable secure schemes for resisting attacks in cloud deduplication services, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing,. 2016, 7(3): 184-189.(EI)

  6. Xuan Li, Jie Lin, Jin Li, Biao Jin, A video deduplication scheme with privacy preservation in IoT, 7th International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications 2016.(EI)

  7. Chongzhi Gao, Qiong Cheng, Li Xuan, Shi-bing Xia. Cloud-assisted privacy-preserving profile-matching scheme under multiple keys in mobile social network. Cluster Computing (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-1649-y.(SCI)

  8. Hongyang Yan , Jin Li , Xuan Li , Gansen Zhao, Sun-Young Lee, Jian Shen. Secure Access Control of E-Health System with Attribute-Based Encryption[J]. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2016, 22(3):8.(SCI)

  9. Chuying Yu, Jianzhong Li, Xuan Li, Xuechang Ren, B. B. Gupta. Four-image encryption scheme based on quaternion Fresnel transform, chaos and computer generated hologram[J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2018, 77(4):4585-4608.(SCI)

  10. Jinbo Xiong, Yuanyuan Zhang, Xuan Li, Mingwei Lin, Zhiqiang Yao, Guangjun Liu. RSE-PoW: A role symmetric encryption PoW scheme with authorized deduplication for multimedia data, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2018, 23.(3):650-663. (SCI)

  11. Jinbo Xiong, Suping Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Xuan Li, Ayong Ye, Zhiqiang Yao, PoSW: A novel secure deduplicatin scheme for collaborative cloud applications, Journal on Communications, 2017, 38(7):18-27. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  12. Mingwei Lin, Riqing Chen, Li Lin, Li Xuan, Jingchang Huang. Buffer-aware Data Migration Scheme for Hybrid Storage Systems. IEEE Access, 2018, 99:1-1. (SCI)

  13. Xiayan Zhang, Guoji Zhang, Xuan Li, Yazhou Ren, Jiehua Wu, Image encryption using random sequence generated from generalized information domain, Chinese Physics B,2016,25(5):054201.(SCI)

  14. Guo-Ji Zhang, Xuan Li*, Qing Liu et al. Random number generator based on discrete trajectory transform in generalized information domain. Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, 61(6): 060502. (SCI)