林立,福建福州人,博士,副教授,软件工程系副主任。2005年和2008年毕业于四川大学,分别获得计算机科学与技术学士学位,计算机应用技术硕士学位。2019年获得华中科技大学计算机软件与理论博士学位,并获ACM武汉分会优秀博士论文奖。主要从事移动云计算、边缘智能、区块链等方面的研究。已在包括Proceedings of the IEEE,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM),IEEE Network等国际权威期刊和会议上发表论文近20篇。主持了包括国家自然科学基金青年项目和福建省自然科学基金面上项目在内的多项基金,作为主要成员参与了国家863计划、国家国际科技合作专项等项目的研究。
1. CCF分布式计算与系统专委会委员2. IEEE/ACM/CCF 会员
1. Li Lin, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Peng Li. Computation Offloading toward Edge Computing. Proceedings of the IEEE, 107(8): 1584-1607, 2019. (CCF A类期刊)
2. Li Lin, Xiaofei Liao, Guang Tan, Hai Jin, Xiaobin Yang, Wei Zhang, Bo Li. LiveRender: A Cloud Gaming System Based on Compressed Graphics Streaming. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM'14), ACM, 2014: 347-356. (CCF A类会议)
3. Xiaofei Liao, Li Lin, Guang Tan, Hai Jin, Xiaobin Yang, Wei Zhang, Bo Li. LiveRender: A Cloud Gaming System Based on Compressed Graphics Streaming. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 24(4): 2128-2139, 2016. (CCF A类期刊)
4. Wei Zhang, Xiaofei Liao, Peng Li, Hai Jin, Li Lin. ShareRender: Bypassing GPU Virtualization to Enable Fine-grained Resource Sharing for Cloud Gaming. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Multimedia Conference (MM'17), ACM, 2017: 324-332. (CCF A类会议)
5. Li Lin, Peng Li, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Yu Zhang. Echo: An Edge-Centric Code Offloading System With Quality of Service Guarantee. IEEE Access, 7: 5905-5917, 2019.
6. Li Lin, Peng Li, Jinbo Xiong, Mingwei Lin. Distributed and Application-aware Task Scheduling in Edge-clouds. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 18), IEEE, 2018: 165-170. (CCF C类会议)
7. Jinbo Xiong, Yuanyuan Zhang, Li Lin, et al. ms-PoSW: A multi-server aided proof of shared ownership scheme for secure deduplication in cloud. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, e4252, 2020.
8. Wei Zhang, Xiaofei Liao, Peng Li, Hai Jin, Li Lin, Bingbing Zhou. Fine-Grained Scheduling in Cloud Gaming on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Clusters. IEEE Network, 32(1): 172-178, 2017.
9. Jinbo Xiong, Rong Ma, Lei Chen, Youliang Tian, Li Lin, and Biao Jin. Achieving Incentive, Security, and Scalable Privacy Protection in Mobile Crowdsensing Services. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 1530-8669, 2018.
10. Jinbao Zhang, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Dong Liu, Li Lin, Kao Zhao. An Optimal Page-Level Power Management Strategy in PCM-DRAM Hybrid Memory. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 45(1): 4-16, 2017.
11. Xiaofei Liao, Rentong Guo, Danping Yu, Hai Jin, Li Lin. A Phase Behavior Aware Dynamic Cache Partitioning Scheme for CMPs. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 44(1): 68-86, 2016.
12. Yu Zhang, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Li Lin, Feng Lu. An Adaptive Switching Scheme for Iterative Computing in the Cloud. Frontiers of Computer Science, 8(6): 872-884, 2014.
13. Qu Li, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Li Lin, Xia Xie, Qiongjie Yao. Cost-Effective Hybrid Replacement Strategy for SSD in Web Cache. In Proceedings of the Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, IEEE, 2015: 1286-1294. (会议最佳论文)
14. Dominik Meilander, Frank Glinka, Sergei Gorlatch, Li Lin, Wei Zhang, Xiaofei Liao. Using Mobile Cloud Computing for Real-Time Online Applications. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering, IEEE, 2014: 48-56.
15. Dominik Meilander, Frank Glinka, Sergei Gorlatch, Li Lin, Wei Zhang, Xiaofei Liao. Bringing Mobile Online Games to Clouds. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), IEEE, 2014: 346-351.
16. 董诚,林立,金海,廖小飞. 医疗健康大数据: 应用实例与系统分析. 大数据,1(2): 78-89, 2015.
1. ACM武汉分会优秀博士论文奖
2. CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM 2015会议最佳论文