新加坡资讯通信研究院廖启瑞博士学术报告 6月21日下午


 报 告 人:Dr. Joseph K. Liu, I2R, Singapore


                   廖启瑞 博士,新加坡资讯通信研究院

报告题目:Efficient Privacy-Preserving Charging Station Reservation System 
for Electric Vehicles (支持隐私保护的电动汽车充电预订系统)

        间: 2013621(星期五) 下午3:30 


        点: 成功楼603教室





Electric vehicles are considered to be more environmental-friendly and their development are highly encouraged in many countries. One issue with electric vehicle is the slow re-charging of the battery (compared with re-fueling for traditional automobiles) and the need to re-charge frequently. We consider the charging pattern of electric vehicles and identify that a mechanism for charging station reservation for electric vehicle owners is desirable. We propose a privacy-preserving reservation system which provides a balance between privacy and user accountability. For instance, our system allows the vehicle owner to reserve a number of charging stations along the intended route at different time-slots yet at the same time no party, not even the system controller, can tell if all these reservations belong to the same owner. On the other hand, our system is secure against misuse in that a user can hold a limited number of reservation simultaneously. We demonstrate the practicality of our system with a prototype implementation on a smart phone. Finally, we also provide a security proof to show that our system is secure under well-known computational assumptions.


廖启瑞(Joseph K. Liu)博士于 2004 年获得香港中文大学讯息工程系博士学位,随后获得香港裘槎基金会的资助在英国布里斯托大学从事博士后研究工作。2007 年起在新加坡科技研究局资讯通信研究院担任研究型科学家。他的研究兴趣为密码学,包括可证明安全理论、签名、加密技术以及其应用。近年来参与了多个关于云计算和智能电网的产学研项目。到目前为止,在IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Theoretical Computer Science, NDSS 2008, ESORICS (2012, 2010), ACNS (2009, 2008)  ASIACCS (2010-2013)等学术期刊和国际学术会议上发表论文49篇。