台北商业大学特聘教授张肇明学术报告 11月25日下午


学术讲座【A Protection Routing with Secure Mechanism in Networks】

时间:2019年11月25日 (星期一) 14:30 ~ 16:30



主办:福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室, 数学研究中心


报告人简介: 张肇明,男,生于 1958 年台湾台北市。1987 年毕业于台湾中国文化大学应用数学系,获颁理学士学位。 1992 年毕业于台湾新竹交通大学资讯管理研究所,获颁硕士学位。 2001 年毕业于台湾桃园中央大学资讯工程研究所,获颁博士学位。目前,任教于台北商业大学资讯与决策科学研究所,担任特聘教授一职,并于 2011  2013 年担任研究所所长,2014 2015年担任台北商业大学管理学院院长。同时,也兼任「演算法与计算理论学会」理事一职。到目前为止,已经连续 18  () 获得台湾科技部 (前国科会) 专题研究计画主持人。其中,包括 3 个两年期计画与 3 个三年期计画。另外,于 2012  2013 年获得台湾教育部补助技专校院建立特色典范计画,担任台北商业大学总计画主持人。在学术研究上,曾任许多国际学术期刊审稿人与国际学术会议特定议程委员会委员,并发表 80 余篇 SCI 收录期刊论文与 90 余篇研讨会论文。目前,主要的研究领域包括算法设计与分析、图论、平行与分散式计算等主题。

报告摘要:Kwong et al. (2011) proposed a reactive routing scheme using the multi-paths technique for integrating two mechanisms of route discovery and route maintenance in intra-domain IP networks. They further defined a route to be a protection routing if there is a loop-free alternate path for packet forwarding when a single failed component (including link or node) occurs. Later on, Tapolcai (2013) showed that a network possessing two completely independent spanning trees (CISTs for short) suffices to configure a protection routing. A set of k (k>1) spanning trees in a network is called CISTs if they are pairwise edge-disjoint and inner-node-disjoint. Particularly, if k=2, such a set of CISTs is called a dual-CIST. In the early stage, Hasunuma (2002) already pointed out that the problem of determining whether there exists a dual-CIST in a graph is NP-complete. This talk includes the following topics:

  (1) We show how to construct three CISTs in a network with connectivity at most 6 by a two-stages tree-searching algorithm. In particular, we demonstrate the case in a kind of hypercube-variant networks, called crossed cubes.

  (2) We show how to configure a routing scheme called secure-protection routing as an application of CISTs such that the routing is not only protected but also secure (i.e., no other node except the destination in the network can receive the complete message).

  (3) We provide simulation results to show the performance evaluation of the proposed routing.