
比勒费尔德教授Moritz Kassmann学术报告 9月18日上午


报告题目【An introduction to nonlocal operators satisfying the maximum】

时间:2019918 (星期三) 10:20


主讲:比勒费尔德教授,Moritz Kassmann




报告摘要:In this short course I introduce a class of integro-differential operators, which satisfy a maximum principle. These operators show several similarities with differential operators of second order like the Laplace Operator. However, some of their properties are rather different. The main purpose of the course is to understand these similarities and differences. After an introduction of the fractional Laplace operator I will introduce more general translation-invariant operators corresponding to so-called Levy processes. Finally, general operators with variable coefficients are introduced and some recent results are reviewed. The short course requires a basic knowledge of Analysis and Partial Differential Equations such as fundamental properties of the Poisson equation.


报告人简介:Prof. Dr. Moritz KassmannBielefeld University