同济大学王鹏教授学术讲座 9月12日下午




报告题目:Morse Index and Willmore Stability of Minimal Surfaces in Spheres


时间:2017-09-12 (星期二) 16:00 ~ 2017-09-12 (星期二) 17:00




主办:数学与信息学院, 福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室, 数学研究中心




报告摘要:Minimal surfaces in the round n-sphere are prominent examples of

surfaces critical for the Willmore bending energy W; those of low area provide

candidates for W-minimizers. To understand when such surfaces are W-stable,

we study the interplay between their Laplace-Beltrami, area-Jacobi and W-Jacobi

operators. We use this, e.g. to prove: 1) the square Cliord torus in the 3-sphere is

the only W-minimizer among tori in the n-sphere; 2) the hexagonal Itoh-Montiel-

Ros torus in the 5-sphere is the only other W-stable minimal torus in the n-sphere,

for all n. We also show: 3) the Itoh-Montiel-Ros torus is a local minimum for the

conformally-constrained Willmore problem, evidence for a recent conjecture of

Lynn Heller and Franz Pedit. [This is joint work with Prof. Rob Kusner from UMass Amherst.




20169月至20179月访问UMass AmherstPedit教授一年。

主要研究方向为极小曲面与Willmore曲面,目前在JDG, Adv.Math.等杂志上发表论文16篇。