报告题目:Anonymous Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption with Revocation
时间:2017-07-30 (星期日) 16:00 ~ 2017-07-30 (星期日) 18:00
报告摘要:Broadcast encryption is a useful tool in the data sharing which allows a message to be shared with a group of authorized users. Traditionally, a ciphertext from an identity-based broadcast encryption can be decrypted by the users whose identities are included in the ciphertext. Once the ciphertext has been created, it is not possible to remove any intended receivers from it without conducting decryption. We consider how to revoke users' identities from the ciphertext without the knowledge of the plaintext and the knowledge of the receivers. The solution to this question is found applicable to data sharing in the cloud computing. We design an anonymous identity-based broadcast encryption, which offers the user revocation of ciphertext and the revocation process does not reveal any information of the plaintext and receiver identity. In our proposed scheme, the group of receiver identities are anonymous and only known by the encryptor.
报告人简介:赖建昌,于2014年获得厦门大学理学硕士学位,于2017年获得澳大利亚University of Wollongong博士学位。研究方向包括密码学与信息安全,现阶段主要从事公钥密码学及可证明安全。 以第一作者及合作作者在国际顶级会议和期刊上发表多篇学术论文,包括在CRYPTO、ASIACRYPT等CACR-A类会议,The Computer Journal等CACR-B类期刊。先后担任过多个国际会议和期刊的审稿人,包括CT-RSA,AsiaCCS,Information Science, The Computer Journal等。