Oklahoma Williams Companies Foundation程岐教授 学术讲座7月24日下午



报告题目:LWE from Non-commutative Group Rings





内容简介:The Ring Learning-With-Errors (LWE) problem, whose security is based on hard ideal lattice problems, has proven to be a promising primitive with diverse applications in cryptography.There are however recent discoveries of faster algorithms for the principal ideal SVP problem, and attempts to generalize the attack to non-principal ideals. In this work, we study the LWE problem on group rings, and build cryptographic schemes based on this new primitive. One can regard the LWE on cyclotomic integers as a special case when the underlying group is cyclic, while our proposal utilizes non-commutative groups, which eliminates the weakness associated with the principal ideal lattices. In particular, we show how to build public key encryption schemes from Dihedral group rings, which maintains the efficiency of the ring-LWE and improves its security.

专家简介:程岐,  1992年毕业于南开大学,获理学学士学位,1995年获得复旦大学硕士学位, 2001 年获得南加州大学博士学位。现为美国Oklahoma大学计算机科学系Williams Companies  Foundation讲座教授,主要研究领域包括理论计算机、密码学、编码学、算法数论和分子计算。程教授目前已在许多国际顶级学术期刊和会议(包括SIAM Journal of Computing, Journal of Cryptology, IEEE Transactions  on Information Theory, STOC, FOCS,CRYPTO等)发表多篇重要论文,曾获2003年美国自然科学基金杰出青年(CAREER),2013ISSAC最佳论文奖。