西安电子科技大学李兴华教授学术报告 5月29日上午


报告人:李兴华教授 西安电子科技大学

报告题目:Spatiotemporal Correlation-Aware Dummy-Based Privacy Protection Scheme for Location-Based Services

时    间:2017529(星期一) 10:50 ~ 11:50

地    点:仓山校区成功楼601会议室

主    办:数学与计算机科学学院,软件学院,福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室


报告摘要:Since the dummy-based method can provide precise query results without any requirement for a third party or key sharing, it has been widely used to protect the users location privacy in location-based services. However, the neighboring location sets submitted in consecutive requests always include a close spatiotemporal correlation, which enables the adversary to identify some dummies. Therefore, the existing dummy-based schemes cannot protect the users location privacy completely. To solve this problem, based on the dummies generated by the existing schemes, this paper filters out the dummies that can be identified by taking into account of the spatiotemporal correlation from three aspects, namely time reachability, direction similarity and in-degree/out-degree. In this way, the rest dummies can satisfy the users personalized privacy protection requirement. Security analysis shows that the proposed scheme successfully perturbs the spatiotemporal correlation between neighboring location sets, therefore, it is infeasible for the adversary to distinguish the users real location from the dummies. Furthermore, extensive experiments indicate that the proposal is able to protect the users location privacy effectively and efficiently.


工作以来,共主持国家重点研发计划,国家自然科学基金,国家密码发展基金20余项。获得省部级一等奖3项,二等奖3项。在国内外期刊和国际会议上发表包括InfocomIEEE TPDS等论文40余篇。获得国内外专利20余项。参与国际标准IEEE 802.11ai以及国家标准《可信计算规范5部分:可信网络连接架构》的制定。出版专著2/章。