厦门大学邱春晖教授学术报告 5月19日下午


报告人:邱春晖教授  厦门大学

报告题目:Vanishing theorems on complex Finsler holomorphic vector bundles

时    间:2017519 (星期五) 15:30 ~ 17:30

地    点:仓山校区成功楼603报告厅

主    办:数学与计算机科学学院, 福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室, 数学研究中心


报告摘要:In this paper, by using the @@- Bochner-Kodaira technique obtained

by Y. T. Siu, we get some vanishing theorems on complex Finsler holomorphic vector

bundles. In particular, we give some vanishing theorems on complex Berwald holomorphic

vector bundles. Moreover, we obtain the Hodge theorems on complex Finsler

holomorphic vector bundles. This work is joint with Jinling Li and Tongde Zhong.
