台湾成功大学李佳卫研究员学术报告  7月21日上午


报告人:李佳卫研究员  台湾成功大学


报告题目:The Diagnosability of Interconnection Networks


时  间:2016-07-21 (星期四) 08:30 ~ 10:30


地  点:仓山校区成功楼603报告厅


主  办:数学与计算机科学学院,福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室




报告摘要:With the rapid development of VLSI technology, a multiprocessor system may contain hundreds or even thousands of processors (nodes), some of which may be faulty while the system is put into use. As the number of nodes in a multiprocessor system increases, node fault identification in such systems becomes more crucial for reliable computing. The diagnosability is an important metric for measuring the reliability of multiprocessor systems. In this talk, we first introduce the variant diagnosability: diagnosability, strongly diagnosability, conditional diagnosability, and g-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability. Then, we introduce the variant wide class of interconnection networks, called (1,2)-matching compostion networks and component-composition graphs. There are several well-known interconnection networks, such as hypercubes, star graphs, are belong to these two classes.


专家简介:Chia-Wei Lee received the BS and MS degrees in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, in 2003 and 2005, respectively, and the PhD degree in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, in November 2009. He then served the compulsory 11-month military service. He is current an assistant research fellow at the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. His current research interests include graph theory and algorithms, interconnection networks, and system-level diagnosis.