International workshop on the mathematical theory of secure computation
日期 | 时间 | 内容 |
6月2日 | 14:00-22:00 | 会议报到 |
18:30-19:30 | 晚餐(地点:待定) | |
6月3日 | 上午 | |
8:00-8:30 | 会议报到 | |
8:30-8:50 | 开幕式(主持人:林昌露) | |
主持人:王华雄教授 | ||
8:50-9:40 | An improvement to the Hasse-Weil bound and applications 邢朝平(新加坡南洋理工大学) | |
9:40-10:00 | 合影&休息 | |
主持人:邢朝平教授 | ||
10:00-10:50 | 对称密码研究进展 吴文玲(中国科学院软件所) | |
10:50-11:40 | 穿刺程序的应用 唐飞(重庆邮电大学) | |
12:00-13:00 | 午餐(地点:阳光厅) | |
下午 | ||
主持人:唐元生教授 | ||
14:10-15:00 | Adjacency, signless Laplacian and Laplacian H-eigenvalues of hypergraphs 陆玫(清华大学) | |
15:00-15:50 | On automorphism groups of cyclotomic function fields over finite fields 马立明(扬州大学) | |
15:50-17:30 | 自由讨论与交流 | |
| 18:30-19:30 | 晚餐(地点:待定) |
6月4日 | 上午 | |
主持人:唐春明教授 | ||
8:30-9:20 | The center of the quantized enveloping algebra 李立斌(扬州大学) | |
9:20-10:10 | On lattice-based algebraic feedback shift registers synthesis algorithms for multisequences 王丽萍(中国科学院信息工程研究所) | |
10:10-10:20 | 休息 | |
10:20-11:10 | The cycle structure of LFSR with arbitrary characteristic polynomial over finite fields 常祖领(郑州大学) | |
11:10-12:00 | 关于Legendre-Sidelnikov序列和two-prime Sidelnikov序列的改进研究 叶智钒(福建师范大学) | |
12:00-12:10 | 闭幕式 | |
12:10-13:30 | 午餐(地点:阳光厅) | |
下午 | ||
15:00-17:30 | 自由讨论与交流 | |
18:30-19:30 | 晚餐(地点:待定) | |
6月5日 | 专家离会 |
报告1: An improvement to the Hasse-Weil bound and applications
邢朝平(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Motivated by applications to character sum, coding theory and sequences, number of zeros for trace of polynomials is considered. This talk is to introduce an improvement to the bound from the Hasse-Weil theorem.
不可区分混淆器(indistinguishability obfuscation, iO)是近年来的研究热点。Sahai和Waters在STOC 2014会议上基于不可区分混淆器设计了一种名为“穿刺程序”(punctured program)的技术。此外,他们基于这一技术构造了多种密码体制,包括公钥加密、可否认加密、密钥封装、数字签名、不经意传输、非交互式零知识证明等。本报告将主要介绍穿刺程序的定义,同时也将介绍如何基于这一技术构造不同性质的密码体制,如标准模型下的常数规模的环签名体制等。
报告4:Adjacency, signless Laplacian and Laplacian H-eigenvalues of hypergraphs
In this talk, we first introduction the definitions of the H-eigenvalues of adjacency, signless Laplacian and Laplacian tensors ofhypergraphs. Some results about the H-eigenvalues of adjacency, signlessLaplacian and Laplacian tensors of loose path, hyperstar and sunflower were given.
报告5:On automorphism groups of cyclotomic function fields over finite fields
The Weierstrass semigroup of the unique totally ramified place in the cyclotomic function field with modulus $x^{n+1}$ over the rational function field $\mathbb{F}_q(x)$is explicitly computed for each positive integer $n$. As a consequence, the automorphism groups of cyclotomic function fields with modulus $x^{n+1}$ over the finite fields can be determined. Similarly, the automorphism groups of the cyclotomic function fields with modulus $P$ where $P$ is an irreducible polynomial of degree two are investigated as well.
报告6:The center of the quantized enveloping algebra
Let g be a complex simple finite dimensional Lie algebra and Uq(g) the quantized enveloping algebra in Jantzen's sense with q being generic. As a continuous work on the center of the quantized enveloping algebra of finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebra , we prove that the center Z(Uq(g)) of the quantum group Uq(g) is isomorphic to a monoid algebra, and Z(Uq(g)) is a polynomial algebra if and only if g is of type A1, Bn, Cn, D2k+2, E7, E8, F4 and G2. It turns out that when g is of type Dn with n odd then Z(Uq(g)) is isomorphic to a quotient algebra of polynomial algebra with n+1 variables and one relation, and while when g is of type E6 then Z(Uq(g)) is isomorphic to a quotient algebra of polynomial algebra with 14 variables and eight relations.
报告7:On lattice-based algebraic feedback shift registers synthesis algorithms for multisequences
In this talk we show that algebraic feedback shift registers synthesis problems over both some residue class rings and quadratic integer rings for multisequences are reduced to the successive minima problem in lattice theory. Therefore they can be solved by polynomial-time algorithms whenthe number of multiple sequences is fixed.
报告8:The cycle structure of LFSR with arbitrary characteristic polynomial over finite fields
Abstract: The cycle structure of an LFSR contains all the distinct cycles generated by this LFSR. It has important applications in many domains. We determine the cycle structure of linear feedback shift register with arbitrary monic characteristic polynomial over any finite field. For each cycle, a method to find a state and a new way to represent the state are proposed.
报告9:关于Legendre-Sidelnikov序列和two-prime Sidelnikov序列的改进研究
具有良好伪随机性质的序列在编码、密码、通信等领域应用广泛。基于数论函数可以构造许多具有良好性质的伪随机序列。在Legendre-Sidelnikov序列和two-prime Sidelnikov序列的基础上,我们改进了上述序列的平衡性,并进一步地分析了改进后序列的自相关性质。