北京师范大学王凤雨教授学术报告  5月24日上午


报告人:王凤雨教授 北京师范大学


报告题目:Propertie of non-symmetric Markov processes and symmetrizations


时  间:2016-05-24 (星期二) 10:10 ~ 11:10


地  点:旗山校区理工北楼601报告厅


主  办:数学与计算机科学学院, 福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室, 数学研究中心




报告摘要:According to the theory of functional inequalities,a non-symmetricMarkov semigroup has better properties than its symmetrization. We introduce specific models where the non-symmetric Markov semigroups are hypercontractive but the symmetric ones are even not ergodic. On the other hand, we introduce some conditions which ensure that non-symmetric diffusion semigroups and their symmetrizations share common properties.

