清华大学向东教授学术报告 11月29日上午 


报告人:向东教授  清华大学


报告题目:Deadlock-Free Broadcast Routing in Dragonfly Networks without Virtual Channels


时  间:20151129 (星期日) 10:00


地  点:仓山校区成功楼603报告厅


主  办:数学与计算机科学学院,福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室




报告摘要:A new deadlock-free unicast-based broadcast scheme is proposed based on a deadlock-free partially adaptive routing scheme called minus-first routing. Minus first routing is a partially adaptive routing scheme in dragonfly networks without any virtual channels. The main goals of the broadcast schemes are to minimize the total delivery time, and any router does not receive any message more than once. No channel competition is introduced. Two different broadcast schemes are proposed: (1) group-first, and (2) router-first. It is shown that unicast based broadcast schemes are necessary to avoid deadlocks at the consumption channels. The group-first broadcast scheme delivers a message to all groups as early as possible; and the router-first scheme minimizes the number of unicast steps to traverse global links. To our knowledge, the method in this paper is the first collective communication work for dragonfly networks in the literature. Simulation results are presented to evaluate the proposed unicast-based broadcast schemes.


专家简介:Dong Xiang received the BS degree and the MS degree in Computer Science from Chongqing University in 1987 and 1990, respectively. He received the PhD degree in Computer Engineering from the Institute of Computing Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993. He visited Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, as a Postdoctoral Researcher from 1994 to 1995 and the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign from 1995 to 1996. He also visited Nara Institute of Science and Technology as a JSPS invitation fellow from Apr. to Sept.,2003.
He was with the Institute of Microelectronics from Oct., 1996 to March 2003 as an Associate Professor. He
is with the School of Software, Tsinghua University as a Professor. He got a National Outstanding Young Scientist Award from National Science Foundation of China in 2004. His research interests include design and test of digital systems, including design for testability, testing, test pattern generation, testability analysis, and built-in self-test, fault-tolerant computing, distributed/parallel computing, interconnection networks, and networks-onchip.He authored Digital Systems Testing and Design for Testability (Science Press, Beijing, 1997). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and the China Computer Federation, and a member of the ACM.