报 告 人:陈淑红博士 中南大学
报告题目:Research on Trust Evaluation Model for Mobile Social NetworksEnvironment(移动社会网络环境中信任评价模型研究)
时 间:2015年6月4日(星期四)下午15:00
地 点:仓山校区成功楼603学术报告厅
主 办:数学与计算机科学学院, 福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室
报告摘要:Large-scale mobile social networks (MSNs) facilitate connections between mobile devices and provide an effective mobile computing environment in which users can access, share and distribute information. In MSNs, users may belong to more than one community or cluster, and overlapping users may play a special role in complex MSNs. For such MSNs, a key problem is how to evaluate or explain user trust worthiness. In this context, trust inference plays a critical role in establishing trusted social links between mobile users. To infer fuzzy trust relations between users in MSNs with overlapping communities, we propose an efficient trust inference mechanism based on fuzzy communities, which we call κ-Fuzzy Trust. We propose an algorithm for detection of community structure in complex networks under fuzzy degree κ and construct a fuzzy implicit social graph. We then construct a mobile social context including static attributes (such as user profile and prestige) and dynamic behavioural characteristics ( such as user interaction partners, interaction familiarity, communication location and time ) based on the fuzzy implicit social graph. We infer the trust value between two mobile users using this mobile social context. We discuss the aggregation and propagation of trust values for overlapping users and indirect connected users. Finally, we evaluate the performance of κ-Fuzzy Trust in simulations. The results show the validity of our fuzzy inference mechanism for behavioural trust relationships in MSNs. They also demonstrate that κ-Fuzzy Trust can infer trust values with high precision.