
美国威斯康星大学Xianghong Gong教授的学术报告 7月3日上午


Speaker: Professor Xianghong Gong

                                   University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA


Time:    9:30am--10:20am, July 3, Thursday


Place:   成功楼 Room 603      


Title:   Real submanifolds of maximum complex tangent space at a CR singular point


Abstract: We study a germ of real analytic $n$-dimensional submanifold  of $C^n$ that has a complex tangent space of maximal dimension at a CR singularity. Under the condition that its complexification admits the maximum number of deck transformations, we study its transformation to a normal form under the action of local (possibly formal) biholomorphisms at the singularity. We also study the convergence of normalization for anabelian type of CR singularity, the rigidity of quadrics under a small-divisor condition, and existence of attached complex submanifolds to the real submanifold. This is joint work with Laurent Stolovitch.


Brief description of Professor Xianghong Gong:

Professor Gong is an expert in Several Complex Variables and Dynamical system. He has published more than 34 research papers. He received his Bachelor Degree from Nanjing University in1986, PhD degree from University of Chicago in1994. He was member of IAS (1994-95), Postdoc at MSRI (1995-96), VAP at University of Michigan (1996--99), Assistant professor at State University of Oklahoma (1999-2001), University of Wisconsin (2001--2003), Associate professor (2003--2007) and Full professor (2007--present)  at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has been vice chair for undergraduate study at the Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison. His researches have been partially support by NSF many times.