
乔治亚理工学院林治武博士学术报告 5月7日上午


人:林治武博士      乔治亚理工学院


报告题目:Stability of traveling waves of Gross-Pitaevskii equation


    间: 201457日上午9:00-11:00







The Gross-Pitaevskii equations are widely used in modeling superfluids and Bose-Einstein condensates. The GP equation has traveling waves solutions which have non-vanishing limit at infinity, first discovered by physicists (Jones, Roberts et al.) in 1980s. The existence of such traveling waves has been studied a lot in recent years by Betheul, Saut, Maris and many others. However, the stability and dynamical behaviors of these traveling waves are not well understood. With Zhengping Wang and Chongchun Zeng, we proved a sharp nonlinear stability criterion for 3D traveling waves as conjectured in the physical literature, under a non-degeneracy assumption. Moreover, the unstable (stable) manifolds are constructed near unstable traveling waves. These results are extended for general nonlinear terms including cubic-quintic type and higher dimensions. We also proved that any 2D traveling wave of (GP) is transversely unstable and located the sharp interval for unstable transverse wave numbers.



林治武,2003年获得布朗大学数学博士,现为乔治亚理工学院数学系副教授。研究方向为流体力学,非线性波,稳定性理论。在SIAM J. Math. Anal.Comm. Math. Phys.Comm. Pure. Appl. Math.等期刊上发表多篇文章。